Happy Sunday!
I've decided to finally start blogging about my fitness journey after stumbling across The Fitnessista. I plan on having a little bit of a different focus for my blog, but this is still my inspiration.
Let's start from the beginning of my fitness journey to let you know a little history about me. Growing up, I was always a little chubby and teased about it all through my middle school years. Here's a picture of me from MANY years ago, but unfortunately, an image that has been burned into my brain and what I have always compared myself to, and how I've continued to see myself over the years.
However, since this picture was taken, I have grown up a lot, matured and taken my health and fitness matters into my own hands. I am probably a good 10 years older from when this picture was taken, and about 30 pounds lighter. However, I've noticed, the more weight I loss, the more uncomfortable I am with myself (weird, i know).
Anyway, my wonderful boyfriend and I have decided to spoil ourselves and are taking a much deserved trip to Puerto Rico at the end of April. I have NEVER been on a trip in my 23 years of life and felt 100% comfortable with my body in a bikini, let alone any type of swimsuit at all. I have finally decided to change that and this is what lead me to INSANITY.
Here I am, Day 1 of INSANITY. Weighing in @ 138 pounds and feeling absolutely disgusted with myself.
Since I am not starting this blog at the very beginning of my journey, and more so a few weeks in, I'll be skipping the past couple weeks and just show my new pictures after 2 weeks of INSANITY.
After two weeks of INSANITY, I lost 3 pounds and started to see a significant change in my stomach.
Today, I am actually finishing Week 3 of INSANITY and getting ready to start Week 4 tomorrow. This will probably be my (hopefully) most unorganized post, and after this, I plan on making it a bit more consistent and sharing more information.
My plan going forward is to TRY to post maybe once a day, or every other day. I plan on including any workouts I do for the day (which, with INSANITY, is 6 workouts a week), my meal plans (which is 5 meals a day), and of course, probably some pictures of food, workouts, or maybe my precious kitties who I am crazy about.
For now, I have to run. It's 5pm and I'm still in my pajamas and have yet to do any sort of workout. Today is Plyometric Cardio Circuit (which is surprisingly) one of my favorite workouts. Afterward, I will probably indulge in a protein shake, and maybe work on another post, or finding a way to better organize my ideas.
Nina you look fantastic already! I can't wait to see you after 40 days! YOU GO GIRL :)